What Does the Word Tender Mean in Legal Terms

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What Does the Word Tender Mean in Legal Terms

Anglo-French tender, propose to acceptance, literally, stretch, last, from Old French, from Latin tendere Note: See note at the entrance of the tenant 1. The original past participle of tendere is tentus, which seems to continue an Indo-European verbal adjective *tnÌ¥-tos, hence the Greek tatã³s, which is derived directly from the base *tend- and not from *tend-. The tentus form was largely replaced by tensus, probably from *tend-tos, a regular derivative of the new tend- formation. If an offer has been made in due form, it is a complete defence to the claim, but the benefit of an offer is lost if the creditor subsequently demands the asset owed from the debtor and the debtor refuses to pay for it. Some currencies, such as the US dollar and the euro, are used as legal tender in countries that do not issue their own currency or have found the stable dollar preferable to their own currency. For example, Ecuador has taken control of the United States. The dollar as legal tender in 2000, after Ecuador`s currency, sugar, devalued rapidly, so that $1 was worth 25,000 sugars. The introduction of the U.S. dollar as the primary legal tender is colloquially referred to as “dollarization,” although this practice is commonly referred to as currency substitution.

CALL FOR TENDERS, CONTRACTS, PLEADINGS. An offer is an offer to take or take an action that the party to whom the offer is addressed is required to perform. (2) An offer can be money or specific items; These are taken into account separately. Paragraph 1. From the usurer. To make a valid offer, the following conditions are required: 1. It must be made by a solvent person, because if it is made by a foreigner without the consent of the debtor, it is not sufficient. Cro. Eliz.

48, 132; 2 M. and p. 86; Co. Lit. 206. 3.-2. It shall be delivered to the receiving creditor or his representative. 1 warehouse. 477; Dougl. 632; 5 taunts. 307; S.

C. 1 Marsh. 55; 6 Esp. 95; 3 R. T. 683; 14 Serg. and Rawle, 307; 1 Nev. & M.

398; S. C. 28 E. C. L. R. 324; 4 B. & C. 29 S.

C. 10 E. C. L. R. 272; 3 C. & p. 453 p. c. 14 E.

C. L. R. 386; 1 M. & W. 310; Mr. and Mr. 238; 1 Esp. R. 349 1 C. & p. 365 4.-3.

The full amount owing must be offered in the U.S. legal document or in a foreign document made common by law; 2 N. & M. 519; And the offer must not be restricted under any circumstances. 2 R. T. 305; 1 campb. 131; 3 campb. 70; 6 taunts. 336; 3 Esp.

C. 91; Completely. Ev. Part 4, page 1392, n. g; 4 campb. 156; 2 campb. 21; 1 M. & W. 310. But an offer in banknotes, if not contested for this reason, will be good.

3 R. T. 554; 2 Vol. & p. 526; 1 Leigh`s N. P. v. 1, p. 20; 9 Selection.

539; see 2 Caines, 116; 13 Fair 235; 4 N. H. Rep. 296; 10 Wheat 333. But in this case, the amount offered must be exactly what is due, because an offer of a five-dollar bill requiring a change would not be a good four-dollar offer. 3 campb. R. 70; 6 taunts. No. 336; 2 R. Esp. 710; 2 D.

& R. 305; S. C. 16 E. C. L. R. 87. And an offer was made by means of a cheque contained in a letter requesting an acknowledgement of receipt, which the applicant returned and demanded a higher amount, without contesting the nature of the offer. 8 D.

P. C. 442. If shares are to be offered, the debtor must make every effort to transfer them, but it is not absolutely necessary that they be transferred. 504, 533, 579. 5.-4. If a time limit has been agreed in favour of a creditor, it must have expired; The offer must be submitted at the agreed time for the performance of the contract, if it is submitted subsequently, it is only to mitigate damages, provided that it is submitted before the filing of the action. 7 taunts. 487; 8 East, R. 168; 5 taunts. 240; 1 Saund. 33 A, note 2.

The tender must be made before the daylight has completely disappeared. 7 Greenl. 31. 6.-5. The condition under which the debt was contracted must be met. 7.-6. The offer is made at the place agreed for payment or, failing that, to the creditor or his representative. 8 John.

474; Lit. Bl. 132; Ferry. From. H.T. v. 8. If an offer has been made in due form, it is a full defence to the claim, but the benefit of an offer is lost if the creditor subsequently demands the amount owed from the debtor and the debtor refuses to pay it.

Kirby, 293. 9.-Abs. 2. The invitation to tender certain items. It is a rule that certain objects can be offered at a certain place and not, like money, to the person of the creditor, wherever they are. If no place is expressly mentioned in the contract, the place of delivery must be determined by the will of the parties, which can be deduced from the nature of the business and its circumstances. For example, if the contract provides for the delivery of goods from the seller to the buyer on demand, the first being the manufacturer of the goods or a trader in them, without specifying a specific place, the seller`s factory or store is considered to be the intended place and an offer is sufficient there.

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