What Is Legal Translation

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What Is Legal Translation

You should also have a native knowledge of the original and target languages and understand the legal, cultural and ethical contexts. Legal translation is simply the translation of everything that is used in the legal system. This means that you must prepare all legal texts, legal documents or other files that may be necessary for legal decisions or other legal purposes. The European Commission and the United Nations are international institutions that often require legal translation services. Outside of international organizations, most legal translations are requested by court registries, law firms and various companies. As the demand for legal translations increases, the modern translator can take advantage of translation technology and use reliable Internet resources to ensure translation quality. When it comes to translation technology, an experienced and qualified legal translator will be able to meet any challenge and make the most of its benefits. Legal translators often consult specialized bilingual or multilingual legal dictionaries. Caution should be exercised as some bilingual legal dictionaries are of poor quality and their use can lead to translation errors. Bilingual legal dictionaries are usually a reference source for interpretation rather than a source for literal equivalent translations of legal terminology. Translating legal texts from one language to another becomes a challenge for lawyers, as there is a certain freedom to translate texts that retain meaning and do not necessarily retain an equivalent semantic structure. There is also debate among experts either to limit legal language to the target text for professional use, or to expand legal language to public use and understanding, particularly in societies with bilingual legal systems.

[7] Translation is a task that requires in-depth knowledge of the client`s area of expertise as well as legal terminology. The translator must understand not only the source and target languages, but also the subject. Whether it is law or any other field, anyone offering translation services must know its subject. He must be able to answer all the questions that arise during the translation process. As mentioned earlier, translating legal documents requires a lot of clarification. However, legal translation is not only different from regular translation, as the focus is on accuracy and certification. There are other differences that not everyone in the translation industry is aware of. “Legal language” is almost like a language apart.

It takes someone with legal training to understand that. The same thing happens with legal translators. You need to know the laws of the land, as a word-for-word translation may not accurately reflect the meaning of the original. It is important that legal translators understand the legal implications of what is being translated. Legal translation is a field that many people have heard of, but few people know exactly what it is and what it is. Let`s take a look at what distinguishes legal translations from regular translations. Now that we know what makes legal translation different, we can look at what a legal translator needs to know. Technical translations are another area of expertise within translation services. In order to give a correct translation of a technical text, there are more specific terms that a translator must know, usually terms that relate to the field of the document, be it engineering, chemistry, medicine or another discipline.

Technical translations are similar to legal translations, but the knowledge required is different. The translation of legal documents is a field of translation used in legal environments and for legal purposes. It comes in handy when it comes to regulating legal relationships, signing international treaties or translating documents from the source language into the target language. Most legal texts are accurate and technical and attempt to define legally binding rights and obligations precisely. Therefore, it is essential that these rights and obligations are exactly aligned in the source text and in the translation. In addition to accurately understanding and translating the legal rights and obligations established in the translated text, legal translators must also take into account the legal system of the source text (ST) and the legal system of the target text (TT), which can be very different from each other. [2] This is a challenge because it requires the translator to have in-depth legal knowledge as well as the different legal systems that may exist in a language. [2] Examples of different legal systems are, for example, Anglo-American common law, Islamic law or customary law. Do you see how complex legal translations are? The service requires much more from the legal translator than just language skills.

You should be able to translate concepts correctly. Every word should be used with caution as ambiguity can invalidate a legal document and even a small mistake can have costly consequences. If you operate globally, you need to prepare various business contracts. Legal translations can help you ensure that your contracts are correct and that each party can clearly understand the content. For example, translators with a background in tax, labour, criminal and corporate law have very different levels of knowledge. Just as law has many subspecialties, so does legal translation. In the United States, for example, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) requires immigration applicants to submit certified translations of all their supporting documents that are not written in English. Law firms, U.S. courts, educational institutions, and some companies may also require foreigners to provide certified translations of certain documents. Documents in court have their own jargon and format.

The term judicial translation refers to judicial translations. This process includes documents such as letters of request, court proceedings, expert and witness statements, statements and interrogation records. Translators must consider the tone in the original and target languages, and this is particularly important for legal documents. Is it acceptable to switch from the passive voice to the active voice? Legal translations are also useful when documents that have already been translated need to be updated. It is common to send customers two versions of the document, one with change tracking and the other with a clean version. This way, customers can see exactly what has been changed and compare it with the original translation. A legal translator must have a good command of the source and target languages. As a rule, the target language is their mother tongue, while they must be fluent in the source language. You should also be familiar with all the legal language used for legal issues. Some people still wonder what legal translations are – a bit like legal language, everything is Greek to them! Want to know more? Keep reading today`s article to learn about the different types of legal translations and the language used in such projects. When choosing a legal translation company, make sure that the selected professionals are qualified and experienced specialists who can understand the source and target languages, their legal systems, cultures and regulations. eTranslation Services is able to provide you with professional legal translations.

We have a team of native legal translation experts specialized in various areas of legal translation. We assure you that our legal translations are 100% accurate and pass our strict quality control procedure.

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